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Step up to your SELF, mindmodder.
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Step up to your SELF
Personal growth is part of all of our Hansen Beck Trainings, whether in leadership, sales, team development or else. However, this programme is exclusively all about personal growth; not just anybody's: YOURS; your personal, professional and private success. Learn from the past, analyse the here and now and create your future. Your success on your terms. Are you ready?
What do you need right now? Constant pressure to succeed and ever-present change take a toll. The perfect time to zoom-out, to focus and re-calibrate is now! In Step up to your SELF you have the opportunity to take your time to reflect, recharge your batteries, define your success, your personal understanding of wellbeing and power and to get clarity: What would you like to change? Where do you want to start?
How do you move on from here?

Take your time and courage for your timeout! Recharge, plan, recalibrate your life's dramaturgy.
(This workshop is currently offered in German, but is planned to be offered in English soon - don't hesitate to get in touch)
mindmodder. the podcast
When it comes to personal growth, one of my most valued conversational partners is Armin Rogl, former radio moderator, founder and owner of the social media agency Media Brothers. At one point we decided to record some of our talks - the hour of birth of our mindmodder podcast. We very much enjoy recording it and hope that we can provide some valuable impulses for our listeners. (The podcast is in German (actually Austrian ;-)) read more...