Open Trainings
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Structure and Content of Open Trainings

Internal vs. Open Trainings

Our open Leadership & Sales trainings span a total of 6 days, spread over approximately six months. For easier accessibility and planning, we offer them in 2 separately bookable parts of 3 days each. Each part includes intensive workshops, online sessions, and transfer phases to promote comprehensive development.



Part 1: Principles of Leadership

  • Intensive exploration of inner attitudes and company values
  • Identification and utilization of potentials, both individually and in teams
  • Refinement of fundamental leadership skills
  • Advanced techniques for enhancing impact and presentation
  • Integration of coaching conversations and praise to strengthen team motivation

For both new and experienced leaders alike, Part 1 serves as an essential foundation that goes beyond typical training. It provides an intensive exploration of personal attitudes and alignment with company values, which can have a transformative effect especially in established leadership roles. By identifying and purposefully utilizing potentials, both within oneself and the team, the training opens new perspectives and encourages deep self-reflection.

It primarily enhances the ability to maintain a clear vision and stay motivated even in challenging situations. Additionally, advanced techniques for improving personal impact and presentation are introduced to confidently navigate demanding environments.
The integration of coaching conversations and praise also fosters a culture of recognition and individual development, crucial for both new and experienced leaders to maintain team motivation and engagement.

Part 2: Advanced Communication Strategies

This part (also delivered over 3 in-person days) builds upon the foundations of Part 1, focusing on advanced communication strategies and effective leadership techniques.

  • Insights Discovery® Preference Analysis
  • Moderation and leadership principles in different situations
  • Criticism conversations and constructive feedback
  • Techniques for upward impact and strategic influence
  • Review conversations to assess goals and outcomes
  • Advanced communication and time management techniques
  • Personal assessment and individual development
  • Development of a personal action plan to implement learned strategies

Level 1.2 builds on the foundations of Level 1.1 and brings significant advancements for experienced leaders and participants looking to enhance their communication and leadership skills.

The preference analysis of individual strengths and weaknesses through personal reports enables tailored adjustment of communication strategies to match the preferences of others, promoting a strong awareness of personal behavioral patterns.

Moderation and leadership principles in various situations are extensively covered, including effective criticism conversations, techniques for strategic influence, and review discussions for goal achievement.

Advanced communication and time management techniques are central for effective leaders to communicate clearly and efficiently, promote personal development, and implement an action plan.



Part 1: Personal Attitude and Impact

  • The power of personal visions and self-motivation in sales
  • Attitude towards self, company, product, customers
  • Optimization of personal influence and interaction – from "salesperson" to Trusted Advisor
  • Impact enhancement and presentation techniques for persuasive performances
  • Conversation management and effective communication at a distance (e.g., phone, online meetings, emails)
  • Ways to Active Full Reference: Referral and sustainable customer loyalty

Part 1 focuses on developing a strong personal attitude and impact in sales. It begins by emphasizing personal visions and self-motivation as keys to long-term goals and successes in sales.

This section demonstrates how attitudes towards oneself, the company, products, and customers significantly influence sales performance. It particularly highlights the shift from traditional salesperson to Trusted Advisor, aiming to solidify customer trust and build long-term relationships.

Part 1 also covers techniques for enhancing impact and presentation, crucial for convincing performances in various sales situations. We will also extensively cover the art of effective conversation management and communication in both personal and virtual settings, as well as the importance of clear written communication.

Finally, it illustrates how sellers, through strategic measures for Active Full Reference, can not only close transactions but also encourage customers to actively recommend the company, thus ensuring long-term business success.

Part 2: Sales Closure and Negotiation Techniques

  • Negotiation strategies and techniques for successful price discussions
  • Handling complaints and objections professionally
  • Implementation of preference analyses to fine-tune customer approach (similar to Leadership area)
  • Effective time management to optimize sales activities

Part 2 deepens knowledge in sales closure and negotiation techniques crucial for sales success.

It covers advanced negotiation strategies and techniques specifically targeting successful price discussions and handling complaints to overcome resistance effectively and achieve positive outcomes.

The implementation of preference analyses allows sellers to adjust their approach to the individual preferences and needs of customers, deepening customer loyalty similarly to the strategy in the Leadership area.

Additionally, time management is discussed as a critical factor for efficiency in the sales process, optimizing resources and focusing on the most important sales activities.